The captivating city of Lucknow, its benevolent King and his warrior Queen, a modern-day club with its fun kids, an American tourist, a mysteriours girl and an arbiter from Chennai - all connected across times by on thing: Chess.
2. Zih-e-Lucknow# - Chess Novella
P N Naveen Karthikeyan
The writer is an engineer and FIDE arbiter involved in organising chess tournaments, training children and young adults, and playing himself. As a polyglot, he speaks five languages. His research interest includes sports psychology and sports medicine. He is an avid reader of philosophy and world literature.
Reading Age - For everyone!!!!
ISBN - 9789356489998
Publisher - Clever Fox Publishing
Language - English
Binding - Paperback
Book length - 316 pages
Book dimensions - 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches
Shipping - Free shipping throughout India